Cross-site scripting (XSS) Body | Inspects the value of the request body and blocks common cross-site scripting (XSS) patterns using the built-in XSS detection rule in Edgio WAF. Example patterns include scripts such as <script>alert("hello")</script> . CAUTION: This rule only inspects the first 8 KB of the request body. | cssBody |
Cross-site scripting (XSS) Cookie | Inspects the value of cookie headers and blocks common cross-site scripting (XSS) patterns using the built-in XSS detection rule in Edgio WAF. Example patterns include scripts such as <script>alert("hello")</script>. | cssCookie |
cssCookie | Cross-site scripting (XSS) Query. Inspects the value of query arguments and blocks common cross-site scripting (XSS) patterns using the built-in XSS detection rule in Edgio WAF. Example patterns include scripts such as <script>alert("hello")</script> . | cssArgs |
Cross-site scripting (XSS) URI Path | Inspects the URI path and blocks requests that attempt to exploit RFI (Remote File Inclusion) in web applications by embedding URLs that contain IPv4 addresses. Examples include patterns such as http:// , https:// , ftp:// , ftps:// , and file:// , with an IPv4 host header in the exploit attempt. | cssPath |
EC2 Body | Inspects for attempts to exfiltrate Amazon EC2 metadata from the request body. CAUTION: This rule only inspects the first 8 KB of the request body. | metaBody |
EC2 Cookie | Inspects for attempts to exfiltrate Amazon EC2 metadata from the request cookie. | metaCookie |
EC2 Query | Inspects for attempts to exfiltrate Amazon EC2 metadata from the request query arguments. | metaArgs |
EC2 URI Path | Inspects for attempts to exfiltrate Amazon EC2 metadata from the request URI path. | metaPath |
General LFI Body | Inspects for the presence of Local File Inclusion (LFI) exploits in the request body. Examples include path traversal attempts using techniques such as ../../. CAUTION: This rule only inspects the first 8 KB of the request body | fileBody |
General LFI Query | Inspects for the presence of Local File Inclusion (LFI) exploits in the query arguments. Examples include path traversal attempts using techniques such as ../../. | fileArgs |
General LFI URI Path | Inspects for the presence of Local File Inclusion (LFI) exploits in the URI path. Examples include path traversal attempts using techniques such as ../../. | filePath |
General RFI BODY | Inspects for the presence of Local File Inclusion (LFI) exploits in the request body. Examples include path traversal attempts using techniques such as ../../. CAUTION: This rule only inspects the first 8 KB of the request body | remoteBody |
General RFI Query | Inspects the values of all query parameters and blocks requests that attempt to exploit RFI (Remote File Inclusion) in web applications by embedding URLs that contain IPv4 addresses. Examples include patterns such as http:// , https:// , ftp:// , ftps:// , and file:// , with an IPv4 host header in the exploit attempt. | remoteArgs |
General RFI URI Path | Inspects the URI path and blocks requests that attempt to exploit RFI (Remote File Inclusion) in web applications by embedding URLs that contain IPv4 addresses. Examples include patterns such as http:// , https:// , ftp:// , ftps:// , and file://, with an IPv4 host header in the exploit attempt. | remotePath |
Invalid Argument | Inspects requests whose query arguments are system file extensions that the clients shouldn’t read or run. Example patterns include extensions such as .log and .ini. | invalidArgs |
Invalid URI Path. | Inspects requests whose URI path includes system file extensions that the clients shouldn’t read or run. Example patterns include extensions such as .log and .ini . | invalidPath |
Missing User Agent | Blocks requests with no HTTP User-Agent header. | missingAgent |
Size - Body | Verifies that the request body size is at most 8 KB (8,192 bytes). | sizeBody |
Size - Cookie | Verifies that the cookie header length is at most 10,240 bytes. | sizeCookie |
Size - URI Path | Verifies that the URI path length is at most 1,024 bytes. | sizePath |
Size - URI Query Size | Verifies that the URI query string length is at most 2,048 bytes. | sizeArgs |