Edgio version of @edgio/core.
Ensures all assets in the "all", "js", and "ts" subdirectories of defaultAppPath
are either already
present in the user's app or are copied over from defaultAppPath
A self reference, suitable for chaining
Copies all the edgio scripts into the package.json file, if they don't already exist.
Used to pass framework-specific script overrides
Set to true to override existing edgio script elements
A self reference, suitable for chaining
Adds an asset to the bundle for JavaScript workers
The source path
An optional destination path within the lambda root directory. If not provided, the destination path will be the same as the source path.
Options for copySync
a self reference, suitable for chaining
Copies a file or directory into .edgio/src
Adds a folder or file as static asset. Also register directories as asset aliases when they contains an index.html file
The source path
An optional destination path in s3. If not provided, the destination path will be the same as the source path.
a self reference, suitable for chaining
Copies all of the standard assets into the JS and static asset bundles. These are the same for any framework.
Exports a function to build service worker with globManifest options
the source path to the service-worker
the destination path to the bundled service-worker
Optional - True would invoke injectManifest as well
Optional - { globDirectory: string, globPatterns: string[] }
Deletes the output of the previous build.
Copies a file
the source path
the destination path
Deletes all .map files from specified folder
Deletes all files in a directory
The directory to empty
Runs a command.
Options for shelljs
A promise that resolves when the command is finished.
Returns the router instance.
Adds all configured extra files to the lamdba directory
Adds all dependencies from package.json to the JS bundle (excluding devDependencies)
Logs a message to the console if process.env.debug is set to true
The message to log
Copies the package.json file into the lambda and adjust all dependencies that use file paths
Reads a file
the file path
The file contents
Deletes a file
The file to delete
Configures the TTL for a static asset. Once the TTL has expired, it will be refreshed by forwarding requests for that asset to serverless.
The path to the asset within the app
The TTL in seconds
A self-reference, suitable for chaining
Writes a file
the destination path
the contents of the file
Generated using TypeDoc
The class helps you bundle apps for deployment on Edgio.