Interface NodejsConnectorConfig

Custom connector configuration.

Note: Edgio supports a number of frameworks out of the box, but as there are many frameworks out there, it is not possible to support them all. For this reason, Edgio provides a way to create a custom connector for your framework. With this configuration you can specify various options for your custom connector.


  • NodejsConnectorConfig


buildCommand?: string

Build command to run when building the underlying framework.

buildFolder?: string

Server build folder location for the underlying framework.

bundleEntryFile?: boolean

Indicates whether to bundle the entry file or not. If set to false, the entry file will be copied to the serverless folder. Otherwise, the entry file will be bundled and the bundle will be copied to the serverless folder.

devCommand?: string

Dev command to run when running the underlying framework in dev mode.

devReadyMessageOrTimeout?: string | number

Build ready message to look for when building the underlying framework with dev command. Until this message is output by the underlying framework, the build is not considered ready. Otherwise, you can specify a number of seconds to wait until the build is considered ready.

entryFile?: string

Entry file location for the underlying framework.

envPort?: string

Environment variable name used to set the port for the underlying framework.

staticFolder?: string

Static folder location for the underlying framework.

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